Oops, 7 months later and I'm still in the single digit posts. Motherhood is unpredictable, what can I say?
I don't know if I was ever planning to come back here and write but a friend of mine recently mentioned that if I enjoy writing I should just go ahead and do that. I'm thankful that she mentioned it; I hadn't realized how much fun writing is. (Ha, my poor students)
A while ago, another friend on a forum recommended interviewing your kids. I had an absolute blast with my older daughter (the baby has an extensive vocabulary, my little genius, but she prefers not to sit and answer questions for more than a minute).
So this is Chaya, 3 (nuh uh! I'm threeinahalf!!!)
What is the meaning of life? Eyes on Morah (her teacher) to look where you're going, then you go where you're looking. (You know, that's pretty deep)
What do you want to be when you grow up? A mommy. (Suck up)
What makes you happy? Flowers. (Uh huh)
What would you buy if you had a lot of money? String cheese. (Maybe I should have asked her after a meal)
What are you afraid of? Noooothing. (Duly noted)
What's a funny/silly word? When you make a funny face. (Evasive yet related to the topic. I smell a future in politics)
What's the best thing in the world? Hashem (God). (I'm taking credit)
What's the worst thing in the world? King Paraoh (you know, the evil guy from the Prince of Egypt). (Truth)
What makes you angry? Nothing. Only King Paraoh is angry when he tries to drink (you remember the blood, right?).
What makes you sad? When someone hurts me. (Kinda wanna set some kids straight)
What's your favorite toy? A stroller. (Ha, wait till you need one that costs $500+)
Who do you love? Mommy and Tatty. (Awww)
What is the hardest thing to do? Listen to somebody. (I get it)
What's the easiest thing to do? Listen to somebody. (Wait, what?)
What is the meaning of love? That we don't stay in our bed for the whole night. (HOW??? How is that love?!)
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