Tuesday, November 19, 2013

After the Birthday Post

Chaya woke up early on Tuesday.

She looked at her mommy and asked, "Is it my birthday yet?"

"No Chaya," said her mommy, "First we have to clean the house."

So Chaya helped her mommy dust...and vacuum...and wash the floor.

"Is it my birthday yet?" asked Chaya.

"No Chaya," said her mommy, "Your birthday was yesterday. We have 364 days to go. Thanks for cleaning."

I'd like to take a moment and congratulate myself on PATIENTLY lasting all the days and hours and minutes from last birthday until this one. I don't think I'd feel half as old as I do if she hadn't reminded me every single second that we were inching closer and closer to the big day.

Happy fourth birthday to my beautiful daughter, the first to make me a Mommy. (And even though sometimes she tells me that she wishes she would have made me someone else, I know that she loves me too.)

Thank you  for being adorable, bright₂, creative, devious, energetic, funny, giggly, helpful, idealistic, jovial₁₀, kindhearted₁₁, loving₁₂, magical₁₃, noisy₁₄, outrageous₁₅, pensive₁₆, questioning₁₇, resourceful₁₈, silly₁₉, teenage-ish₂₀, unique₂₁, vivacious₂₂, witty₂₃, xanthic₂₄, yummy₂₅, and zippy₂₆!

In summary, MAZAL TOV to a beautiful little girl who is so much like her mother =)

Keep reaching for the stars Chaya! Or the balloons! Whatever you're going for, never give up.

We love you so much!

₁ I'm pretty confident that comes from my side of the family.
₂ Naturally.
₃ Like figuring out that if you slurp up Cheerios just using your tongue, your hands are free for coloring at the breakfast table. Or on the breakfast table.
₄ You've been following the blog thus far. This requires no additional explanation.
₅ Keeps me in shape. Sort of.
₆ I love your funny knock knock jokes! They will never get old.
₇ And thanks for always laughing at my jokes. 
₈ It's always such a pleasure when you help me sweep your sister the floor.
₉ I love the way you ask for cupcakes every single day.
₁₀ Always up for a party. Day, night...don't matter.
₁₁ So proud when you share your toys with all of us.
₁₂ And it melts my heart when you shower your baby sister with hugs and kisses.
₁₃ Our house becomes a palace without so much as a snap of your fingers. Girl, you put Mary Poppins to shame.
₁₄ Our table becomes a drum set just as quickly. Pots and pans are always a great addition.
₁₅ When we go grocery shopping in your dress up clothes and flamboyant makeup. Good for you!
₁₆ I love to watch you think. I should really use that time to prepare my answers. 
₁₇ All day, every day. I hope you never lose your love of learning!
₁₈ You are a master at coming up with solutions! Let's not use your drawers as a snack holder again, kay?
₁₉ Winter clothes in the middle of July? Balancing balls on your head? Bring it on!
₂₀ Hey, I was nice enough not to start off with attitude or throw PMSish in the middle. 
₂₁ You're the only on of YOU! There isn't another in the whole wide world who can do the things you do...
₂₂ You love life, you love to laugh, you love your friends and you love school! 
₂₃ Yes, dear, I know you have an answer for everything. I'm afraid that comes from me :)
₂₄ Go Google it yourself. She was jaundice as a newborn. It starts with X and it works. 
₂₅ You really are, even though I always wonder why we say we want to eat our kids.
₂₆ I've said it before in so many ways but this is you: always on the GO!


  1. Nechamy I just found your blog and it's hilarious! And frank and honest and ... just awesome. Love your style of writing.
