Somewhere in between the past few weeks of packing, going, staying, coming, eating, packing, going, staying, coming, eating, I think you get the idea, I lost the will to write. And eat. But the writing procrastination lasted a lot longer than the eating.
Last time I checked in was before I decided to drive seven hours with my two beautiful girls. Just me, the girls, and my two younger brothers who both don't drive. Let us say that I seriously overestimated my ability to keep my eyes open while driving for 7 hours and severely underestimated my baby's crying stamina. I'm talking three hours straight of, "MOMMY!! ALL DONE BYE BYE!!" My poor brothers tried to woo her with food, silly faces, songs, more food, and then even more food. Her big sister looked on in horror and announced, "Rivka is screaming, Mommy! She is making a really bad choice." Except I was the one who made the really bad choice.
There was one blurry moment, three hours away from home, when we stopped to get gas and the machine would not read the credit card, and the attendant pointed to the porta-potty when my daughter needed to go, and the baby was in my arms still shrieking, that I nearly called my husband to tell him we were not going to move another inch. But I did the math and realized that I'd just be waiting six hours with Screamer. And who knows what Big Sister might think up in all that time.
So we persevered. And then Big Sister announced that she had to you-know-what. And you-know-when. And so we pulled over with a package of 100 wipes that we completely used up and a pair of toddler underwear that we left on the side of the road. Somewhere in me I am working up the effort to care about the next person who shoplifts from Walmart and gets stuck cleaning that mess. But I was already on my 6,000th hour volunteering with my own kids so....
Anyway, we made it back alive. And I am writing this post so that I don't pop up in a month from now and say it wasn't so bad and we should try it again.
This month has been one of lost routines so as my daughter became more creative in her ploys for longer playtime, more candy, more food, more candy, more food, and more candy, I became more creative in my responses:
"The lollipops actually need to charge now."
"Sure you can have this candy...oh boy, what's that mark there? I hope it's not mold."
"Oh this chocolate is sour, let's put it in the fridge till tomorrow."
"The Dentist just called. She said you can have just one of these candies so which do you choose?"
"We are taking an Eating Break now because the food has to think about you eating it."
In other news? The baby has emerged as the winner in Baby Rivka vs. Childproofed Cabinets. I've got to go save my plastic containers!
Awesome Nechamy! I flew to UK for almost 3 weeks alone with my young 'uns... towards the end of the trip I was going to become a homicide statistic. Just saying, you aren't alone.